Dynamic Cupping ONLINE

Dynamic Cupping Techniques Online

Dynamic Cupping Techniques is the second level to our cupping therapy training program, Cupping for Manual Therapists.  Because these techniques are more advanced, this course is only available to those who have already taken training in cupping therapy.

In this course you will learn how to use cupping to treat conditions that you may not have imagined you could treat such as:

  • Digestive Problems
  • Reproductive Issues
  • Scars and Burns
  • Degenerative Diseases

You are going to learn a dynamic approach to treatment techniques for:

  • Neck and Shoulder issues
  • Lower Back and Hip problems
  • Knee, Foot and Ankle problems

There is an emphasis on joint mobilizations, improving range of motion, and techniqes for musculoskeletal issues including :

  • pin and stretch
  • cup rotating
  • hold and release
  • cross fiber
  • skin rolling

Differentiate between Acute and Chronic treatments, how to determine what style of cupping, what is appropriate time and placement, and the significance of cupping marks.

Dynamic title card