FIRE Cupping

FIRE Cupping has been the primary method of delivering cupping therapy for thousands of years. Using fire to create a vacuum inside of a cup has an unique suction as the process creates a warm moist heat which is very beneficial to the body. 

  • Fire cupping is the best cupping method to treat
  • Lingering and chronic health problems
  • Musculoskeletal injuries involving inflammation
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Weakness or conditions of the Lungs
  • Energizing a sluggish client

Although other kinds of cupping can help these kinds of conditions as well, fire cupping is a go to for stationary and flash techniques, where silicone is optimal for gliding techniques.

In this course we will cover Fire cupping safety procedures and develop a muscle memory technique where you will develop natural habits of safe techniques.

We will cover the history and process of cupping briefly but most of our time will be spent on learning how to apply fire cups on 5 levels of suction, flash cupping and gliding cupping techniques. Once you have mastered your technique we look at treatments where fire cupping would be appropriate and how to address different conditions. 

This is an 8 hour course, with 5 hours of practice time.

insert fire good
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