

GUA SHA, Cupping, IASTM, or Graston?

gua sha IT band stainless

Gua sha, IASTM, cupping and Graston technique are all manual therapy techniques used to treat musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. While they have some similarities in terms of their goals and application, there are also some key differences between them. gua sha neck Lisa Dowling

Gua sha is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves scraping the skin with a smooth-edged tool to release tension and promote healing. The tool used in gua sha can be made of a variety of materials, includin…

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GUA SHA and International Womens Day

heart shaped gua sha forehead

How to celebrate International Womens Day... How about International Womens Week? Women's Month?

Or shall we celebrate ourselves every day and declare that every day is International Womens Day???

This year to celebrate International Women's Day, I am offering my 5 day Brighten Your Light facial gua sha challenge for free!

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GUA SHA can help you look great and feel better.

Have you ever even heard of GUA SHA?  Its an age-old therapeutic technique that was fir…

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